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Umbrella insurance acts like extended liability insurance providing coverage for a wide range of potential unforeseen loses. Umbrella insurance gives you more financial coverage above and beyond your normal auto and home insurance.
Examples of possible coverages-
- Property damage caused by pets, your dependents or yourself either by a vehicle accident or while on a property physically.
-Injuries from an accident caused by you.
-Injuries others suffer on your property.
-lawyer fees if sued.
Is Umbrella insurance right for me?
Umbrella insurance covers those things most of us don't think about, but catch us off guard, and short on the funds to cover the damage caused. For example dog bites, slips and falls and any number of auto accidents that could leave you financially responsible for what your current auto and home insurance will not be willing to cover. You are left covering the damages when the injured party sues you instead of the insurance company and lets not forget about the attorney fees. So umbrella insurance is right for all homeowners and vehicle drivers alike, not just those who have hefty pricey assets.
Is Umbrella insurance affordable?
Considering how unlikely you will have to use it, your cost is based on your needs alone, and is extremely affordable.
It's based on-
- amount of coverage you purchase
- carrier provisions
- your specific risk profile and driving record
- if you purchase through same carrier